September 12, 2024

Sorry About Your Bad Day Medusa

My Medusa, I know the world has wronged
You grievously. Slither and petrify all.
Spread justice with a look. Your wrath is righteous
And alluring. Allow me to serve you well.
I have prepared bitter acceptance frosted
In a glass. Drink it down. I’ll make another
Cold. Let it warm the day’s arches. Sit back, feet up.
Epione blessed fingers soothe your aches. Brows,
Relax them. Look at me with your softest eyes.
Turn that iris from bloodshot to blue. I’m here

For you. A pizza is already on its way.
Feast, drink, and be married. I made an oath
to you. I’d sacrifice both my ears to you.
Tell me everything or nothing. I don’t know
The weight of your worries, what keeps you hissing
In the dark. You always keep your past away
From me. I lie at night uneasy, haunted
by your bad silent days. Cause I know bad days.
I’ve had them too. Like colds and phone bills, we share
This cruel burden. I’ll draw the curtain on it.

Dim the lights. Nobody has to see you.
Stay inside. Nobody has to see you.

Everett Cruz

Everett Cruz (he, they) lives in Denton, Texas, where he studied creative writing at the University of North Texas. He is a Filipino-American who grew up in Fort Worth, Texas. His work has been or will be published in Brave Voices, The B’K, Resurrection Magazine, The Minison Project, Marías at Sampaguitas, and Stanza Cannon. Twitter @EverettCruzIsOK

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